No-Fault In Illinois Divorce

Family Law Blog

No-Fault In Illinois Divorce

December 3, 2019 | Divorce

No-Fault In Illinois Divorce

Illinois is a no-fault divorce state.  Previously, in Illinois divorce law, one could allege mistreatment or adultery by the spouse as a basis for the divorce.  Nowadays, one simply alleges that the marriage is broken and can’t be fixed. This is what the common divorce phrase ‘irreconcilable differences have caused an irretrievable breakdown of marriage means.

In Illinois the cause of the divorcgenerally does not impact any of the substantive issues of the case, like parenting time, child support or maintenance. Moreover, judges generally do not care why a marriage failed. They care about all of the issues that arise as a result of the marriage’s failure. Also, one person blaming the other person for marriage’s failure adds to the hostility of the divorce and tends to make the case more complicated. 

The Botti Law Firm, P.C. has been serving DuPage and Cook County residents for nearly 50 years. We have vast experience handling cases involving divorce. If you would like to speak to one of our experienced attorneys, please email us or call (630) 573-8585 to schedule a free consultation. 


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