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Oak Brook Office
2215 York Road, Suite 304
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: (630) 573-8585
Phone: (630) 573-8585

Wheaton Office (By appointment only)

1755 S Naperville Rd, Suite 100
Wheaton, 60187
Serving Chicagoland since 1970
best lawyer

The Botti Law Firm, P.C., conveniently located in Oak Brook and Wheaton, is a full service law firm that offers comprehensive legal representation to individuals, families, businesses and professionals from the Chicago area, including Cook, Kane, DuPage, Lake, Will and Kendall Counties, to the rest of the United States. Our experienced trial attorneys are dedicated to obtaining successful results for our clients, in both state and federal courts.

Nationally Awarded

Oak Brook, Illinois

2215 York Road, Suite 304
Oak Brook, IL