Contempt Actions

Contempt Actions

Contempt of court occurs when someone purposely does not follow a court order. In family law cases, court orders often regulate the conduct of the parties. Child support and maintenance orders are common family law court orders. Orders involving parenting schedules and other child related matters are too. If you are divorced, the terms of your Marital Settlement Agreement are court orders. As are the terms of your Allocation (Custody) Judgment. If your ex-spouse is not following the terms of your divorce then a judge can hold him/her in contempt of court. This process starts by filing a petition to hold your ex in contempt of court. If you need to enforce a family law court order or defend against a contempt petition then contact the Botti Law Firm, P.C

For almost 50 years the Botti Law Firm, P.C. has been providing skilled and compassionate family law representation. We will understand what is important to you and will work hard to achieve your goals. We will be compassionate because we want to minimize your stress and anxieties. We will work to limit and manage the divisive conflicts that arise so they don’t spiral out of control. We will be aggressive and fight for your rights in court or when negotiating settlement. This reliable formula has worked for our clients for almost 50 years; let it work for you.

Serving Chicagoland since 1970
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The Botti Law Firm, P.C., conveniently located in Oak Brook and Wheaton, is a full service law firm that offers comprehensive legal representation to individuals, families, businesses and professionals from the Chicago area, including Cook, Kane, DuPage, Lake, Will and Kendall Counties, to the rest of the United States. Our experienced trial attorneys are dedicated to obtaining successful results for our clients, in both state and federal courts.

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Oak Brook, Illinois

2215 York Road, Suite 304
Oak Brook, IL